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Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Personal resilience is a human trait that enables people to bounce back when confronted with various forms of stress, trauma or tragedy. It can be developed and nurtured to serve us when needed. Resilience helps us deal with challenges to our physical, social or mental health and wellbeing. Being resilient means you are able to manage yourself, others and your environment, enabling you to achieve balance, alignment, and success in life. Some strategies that can strengthen your thoughts, mood and behaviour for improved personal resilience are:

  • Accepting your situation

  • Hope for a better future.

  • Adopting a Yes, I can attitude.

  • Gain Knowledge of situation

  • Clarity of circumstances

  • Clarity of purpose and intention

  • Clear focus and direction

  • Capacity building (using internal and external resources)

  • Avail of support group or self-help groups

  • Volunteering

  • Goal setting and vision map

  • Setting and enforcing boundaries

  • Developing relaxation skills and good sleep habits

  • Showing compassion to self and others

  • No blame attitude - to self or others

  • Growth mindset

  • Adopting a corrective and preventive attitude to problems

  • Eat nutritious food

  • Exercise regularly

  • Talk therapy or coaching 🤔

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Emotional or psychological pain can potentially lead to physical illness (psychosomatic diseases) or make an existing illness difficult to manage. Most times, psychosomatic illness follow the stress pathway or result in emotional outburst, anger, anxiety, social problems, joblessness and more.

Self management tools and techniques such as reflection produce clarity, increased perspective, and enable us to harness internal and external resources to improve self and create success for alignment, balance and fulfilment in life.

Many people don't yet know this secret, hence, over reliance on medical healing process and medications, whereas most natural and sustainable holistic health lies in your ability to heal from within, not in medications. Most of the time, especially in disease prevention and maintenance of a healthy state known as Salutogenesis , understanding yourself holds the key to recovery and wellness.

Why not learn more about healing your body, mind and emotions through understanding your values, capabilities, strength and emotions. know how to overcome challenges using boundaries, mindfulness and what naturally suits you because life is a personal journey.

You can begin by consulting a therapist or coach to learn the secrets of holistic, authentic and sustainable health and wellbeing.

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Do not feel guilty over what happened to you for example, an illness. Do not feel guilty over what you unintentionally did, can be called a mistake or an accident. Say sorry and move on. Sorry as an acknowledgement of it happening to the person, but not because you caused it.

Do not languish in guilt over what you did but NOW realise you should not have, lay it to rest by repenting, correcting, apologising and progressing to do the opposition. This is enough to make you start with a clean slate, the past should be left in the past.

Shame over what is not your responsibility or beyond you is double punishment.

Life happens to us all, reject judgements resulting from other people’s standards because they not relevant to your life situation. People's assessment of you should not define you.

Never be ashamed of anything you cannot help, if you can do something about any situation, do it, if that is what you honestly want.

If you are unhappy with the result of your actions, you should not feel any shame because you tried anyway, learn the lessons and use them to get a better result next time.

Shame is a dangerous negative emotion, which can cause serious illness, the origin of which may be difficult to trace. Humans have limited reserve of energy at any given time, we should focus our energy on planning and doing better next time, not on our past or what other people think of us.

Celebrate who you have become and enjoy life

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