Personal resilience is a human trait that enables people to bounce back when confronted with various forms of stress, trauma or tragedy.
It can be developed and nurtured to serve us when needed. Resilience helps us deal with challenges to our physical, social or mental health and wellbeing.
Being resilient means you are able to manage yourself, others and your environment, enabling you to achieve balance, alignment, and success in life.
Some strategies that can strengthen your thoughts, mood and behaviour for improved personal resilience are:
Accepting your situation
Hope for a better future.
Adopting a Yes, I can attitude.
Gain Knowledge of situation
Clarity of circumstances
Clarity of purpose and intention
Clear focus and direction
Capacity building (using internal and external resources)
Avail of support group or self-help groups
Goal setting and vision map
Setting and enforcing boundaries
Developing relaxation skills and good sleep habits
Showing compassion to self and others
No blame attitude - to self or others
Growth mindset
Adopting a corrective and preventive attitude to problems
Eat nutritious food
Exercise regularly
Talk therapy or coaching 🤔