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Your Power to Transform

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Yes, you can!

Humans have an Inherent ability to learn, unlearn and relearn till we are the best version of us.

Research show that the human brain functions by making connections and associations with the past, millions of connections are made per second and these connections help create mental maps which lead to habit formation. (Hebb, 1949, cited in Gallistel & Matzel, 2012). The concept of neuroplasticity explains how human can through thoughts input make new connections and rewire their brains. The vicious cycle of forming and reforming of habits occurs through a physical process in the brain called myelination, this helps the formation of stronger pathway through repetition of an action. (Doidge, 2008)

Whatever change you want or need in your life, you are capable of making it happen. Envision a future with you living your best life, plan and take actions to make it a reality. Coaching can support you gain clarity, new perspective, and the energy you need to make it happen.

What are you looking to change in your life? Here are some ideas:

  • Commit to being healthy

  • Become a professional or an expert in a particular field

  • Improved confidence and self esteem

  • Go back to school

  • How to achieve independent and self sufficiency

  • How to be a good parent Let the rest of your life could be the best of your life.


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